Sunday 7 February 2016

The problem of fried chicken and fat acceptance

To non Americans ,it's hard to understand why believe certain group of people love to eat a kind of food is negative(Blacks love fried chicken).Let me say it directly , fried chicken is a kind of cheap food in America,and nefarious nature is extremely sensitive for something could be a symbol of low socioeconomic status,they despise and avoid people who could have these low socioeconomic status symbols.Even there are some wealthy people are black.

But you can't stop people to discrimination against the group of people "looks like low socioeconomic status"by saying "equality and anti-discrimination".Because even blacks don't want to date with blacks.Here is the research.

More than 80 percent of whites – even the 48 percent of males and 28 percent of females who said they were indifferent to race – sent messages to whites, while just 3 percent contacted blacks, the study showed.

Yes,it's racism,obviously.(And you see the function of Islam here ,the extreme conservative islamic precepts is a promotion of paternity credit(looks like no paternity fraud),which help muslim woman get more chance)

Okay ,since fried chicken and junk food is so cheap in US(elites designed it),but real organic food is so expensive .Overweight and obese become a symbol of low socioeconomic status.Once time overweight and obese population reach a high level ,they start to feel they have power to fight for their own happiness ,they think people dislike obese and overweight since by brainwashing.Which is impossible.People dislike/avoid low socioeconomic status individual since they can't pay too much parental investment.Obesity is a symbol of unhealthy,which is a far more deep down thing than poverty.Animals don't have the concept of low socioeconomic,but even animals don't mating with obese animals.Their purpose of fat movement will never success ,but I some of people can get benefit from it,for example :popeye,KFC,etc.

There's a simple question:Why they just don't try to lose weight ?Oh ,people who ask this question must didn't get their deep deep desperation of when they living in a "slum" surrounding by fast food restaurants,and their parents feed them junk food since they were babies.The fat movement is their death throes for want a little bit pathetic love in a relatively fair chance.But the chance of getting love never be fair.I notice it trigger the backfire from people who are not overweight and obese already,it's totally stupid.

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