Saturday 20 February 2016

The alternative medicine bullshit

Ancient people always use naturopathy,look at their life expectancy.
But it doesn't mean naturopathy is100% not work,some of herbal medicines do work,but I hate charlatans overstate the effect of naturopathy.All of herbal medicine promote I heard  do overstate/fake the curative effect.

Alternative medicine supporter love to promote how corrupt of the pharmaceutical industry.Yes,they are.But pharmaceutical industry corruption doesn't mean naturopathy is credible.People just don't want to face the desperation and allow these liars exist.

The corrupted modern medical allowed many newborns who should die in bad ancient hygiene environment survive ,the cost is allergy.The corrupted modern medical allowed many newborns who should die in no care giving environment survive,the cost is autism spectrum (and a lot of mental problems ,but this one is the most representative).And even so,they still want live longer.

There is no way you change to the ecological balance without cost.

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