Friday 19 February 2016


First ,I am not homophobia,but I am HIVphobia.But it's normal that people fear HIV.

I am thinking the homophobia in human is born that way or nurture.It seem homophobia should be nurture ,because I seen different reaction from different countries towards gay people.

And small children seem don't have a concept of homophobia,but transphobia.After the puberty ,the homophobia start.Even political groups and "education"system  being very supportive for gay rights in US.The homophobia still exist in a lot of US websites widely.

HIV is one of reason cause homophobia.But I notice those people who cursing "faggots" usually don't mention HIV.

I think human just don't like different groups ,they are born that way .Before the puberty,boys and girls just dislike play together ,they prefer play with same gender kids,and trans kids received the hatred from boys and girls.After the puberty ,the sexual attraction pull them stuck together ,but LGBT people are absolutely not in these case. Gay-bashing activists usually are that kind of very insecure people who believe protect the gender stereotype can help them get a partner.The gender stereotype do help some USA losers in relationship ,because they have no selling points except the gender.But extreme gay-bashing countries(Saudi Arabia,etc),gay-bashing do help straight people have more faith to their partners.They even don't think "maybe my partner is gay".

Some gays do pretend straight people and marry with straight people to cover up their own gayness ,but this is not the main reason of homophobia,but I seen some woman got a homophobia since a gay guy cheated her in a relationship,but that's a small part of homophobia.

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